In this project we worked with group-psychotherapists and educators of future group-psychotherapists and this is our short report.
We rebranded an organization that is a collective of three institutes and that offers further education in group psychotherapy. We also created several digital transformation solutions that facilitate the administrational work, make it more efficient and agile, while simultaneously reducing administrative costs. One is called MyGroups and it facilitates the patient placement process in group psychotherapy while also facilitating the process of offering and applying for the participation in additional further education seminars. The other is a work in progress and entails the construction of a website backend that will fully digitally transform the essential parts of the further education programme (planning, secure archive, grading etc.)
We heavily researched psychotherapy and group psychotherapy, read about a dozens of books and worked together with experienced administrators in this field. On this basis we started the rebranding process and after that the process of planning the digital transformation.
Society for Group Analysis Stuttgart, which consists out of the Psychoanalytic Institute Stuttgart, DPV Institute for Psychoanalysis Stuttgart-Tübingen and the DPG Institute for Psychoanalysis Stuttgart.